Financial Planning

Prepare for the Unexpected

November 02, 2022

Although a positive outlook is good for your health, it is equally important to plan for life’s potential hurdles.

Identifying and addressing risks to your wealth help you protect your loved ones and live life with confidence. Here are three tools that enable you to prepare for the unexpected.

  • Disability Insurance: According to the Social Security Administration, a 20-year-old worker has a one-in-four possibility of developing a disability before reaching full retirement age.1

To guard against long-term wage loss, you may want to purchase long-term disability insurance that picks up when short-term benefits expire. Review your employer’s benefits package to see if your employer provides this coverage.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitles those who work for a covered employer (under certain conditions) up to 12 weeks of unpaid job-protected leave for illness or to care for loved ones.

  • Long-Term Care Insurance: There is a possibility that you or a loved one may someday need assistance with ‘activities of daily living,’ such as eating, dressing, and bathing.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human services, nearly 70% of adults over age 65 ultimately need some type of long-term care for an average of about three years.2 Degenerative illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s Disease (which affects about 6.5 million Americans over age 65 today), are a leading cause of the need for long-term care.3

If you have to pay for the cost of care out of pocket, know that it can be very expensive. For example, the annual cost of a Homemaker Health Aid runs about $70,000 per year, while the rent for a one-bedroom assisted living facility ranges from about $60,000 to $80,000 per year, depending upon where you live.4

Over time, these expenses could accumulate to hundreds of thousands of dollars or more, reducing the size of the estate you leave to loved ones. This is because Medicaid, which is needs-based, is difficult to qualify for, and Medicare does not cover care past 100 days5. For some individuals, especially those around 50 years of age, purchasing long-term care insurance may make sense. And if you use it, the benefits are typically income-tax free.

  • Life Insurance: Life insurance coverage gives you the peace of mind that your family will be financially protected should something happen to you.

Although life insurance proceeds are not subject to income tax, they are included as part of your taxable estate. An irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) may be an appropriate estate planning tool to reduce your taxable estate if your assets plus life insurance will exceed the estate tax exemption threshold. While the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 raised the threshold from $5.6 million to $11.2 million, it is due to revert back when the Act expires at the end of 20256. In addition, an ILIT, which can be created to own a term or permanent life insurance policy, offers the protection of a trust. For example, the assets in the ILIT are shielded against creditors, and you have the ability to indicate how the benefits should be used. However, since the trust is irrevocable, it cannot be amended or revoked. And there is a three-year waiting period before exclusions apply.

Count on your Washington Trust Wealth Advisor for guidance

To help ensure your loved ones are protected, speak with your Washington Trust Wealth Advisor about insurance and other risk management solutions that can help to preserve your assets and provide financial security for you and your family.

Not yet working with a Washington Trust Wealth Advisor? Please contact us to learn more!

1Disability Benefits, Social Security Administration, August 2022

2 How Much Care Will You Need? U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,, February 18, 2020

3 2022 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures, Alzheimer’s Association

4 Genworth 2021 Cost of Care, Genworth

5 Medicare Coverage of Skilled Nursing Facility Care, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Revised July 2019

6 Estate and Gift Tax FAQs

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No matter where you are in life, we can help. Get started with one of our experts today. Contact us at 800-582-1076 or submit an online form.

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This document is intended as a broad overview of some of the services provided to certain types of Washington Trust Wealth Management clients. This material is presented solely for informational purposes, and nothing herein constitutes investment, legal, accounting, actuarial or tax advice. It does not take into account any investor's particular investment objectives, strategies, tax status or investment horizon. Please consult with a financial counselor, an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific financial, legal or tax situation. No recommendation or advice is being given in this presentation as to whether any investment or fund is suitable for a particular investor. It should not be assumed that any investments in securities, companies, sectors, or markets identified and described were, or will be, profitable.

Any views or opinions expressed are those of Washington Trust Wealth Management and are subject to change based on product changes, market, and other conditions. All information is current as of the date of this material and is subject to change without notice. This document, and the information contained herein, is not, and does not constitute, a public or retail offer to buy, sell, or hold a security or a public or retail solicitation of an offer to buy, sell, or hold, any fund, units or shares of any fund, security or other instrument, or to participate in any investment strategy, or an offer to render any wealth management services. Past Performance is No Guarantee of Future Results.

It is important to remember that investing entails risk. Stock markets and investments in individual stocks are volatile and can decline significantly in response to issuer, market, economic, political, regulatory, geopolitical, and other conditions. Investments in foreign markets through issuers or currencies can involve greater risk and volatility than U.S. investments because of adverse market, economic, political, regulatory, geopolitical, or other conditions. Emerging markets can have less market structure, depth, and regulatory oversight and greater political, social, and economic instability than developed markets. Fixed Income investments, including floating rate bonds, involve risks such as interest rate risk, credit risk and market risk, including the possible loss of principal. Interest rate risk is the risk that interest rates will rise, causing bond prices to fall. The value of a portfolio will fluctuate based on market conditions and the value of the underlying securities. Diversification does not assure or guarantee better performance and cannot eliminate the risk of investment loss. Investors should contact a tax advisor regarding the suitability of tax-exempt investments in their portfolio.